(731)613-6009 Text Only
Senior Horse & PTSD Challenged Horse Sanctuary

~ The Spirit Horses of Heart of the Wild Sanctuary ~
A soft landing place for the aged, permanently debilitated, or broken.
(731)613-6009 Text Only
~ The Spirit Horses of Heart of the Wild Sanctuary ~
A soft landing place for the aged, permanently debilitated, or broken.
The Permanent Residents of Heart of the Wild
Logan is a rare grey Kiger, American mustang, from Riddle Mountain HMA in Oregon. He came to Heart of the Wild during the late fall of 2018 after enduring a terrible training experience (extreme abuse, neglect & starvation). In the words of his original adopter ..."He suffered through starvation, obvious physical abuse (with marks on his face and neck as well as 2 broken teeth), and I am sure he carries scars we cannot see." All of this was sadly true, and Logan carries with him such PTSD that it has taken nearly 3 years to decompress. I will post his story on his page, and updates, as this is just an introduction & overview. So many have followed & inquired about him that I felt I should make a page just for him. He was well known while still out on the range, and had gathered quite the human following before the BLM gathered him in September of 2015. There is even a beautiful video on YouTube of him with his family. They called him the Grey Lieutenant. Logan turns 16 this year.
Logan's Page: https://heartofthewildsanctuary.org/logan
A simple place for us to share our daily life here at the sanctuary.
~ We enjoy keeping in touch with our beloved Patron's & Friends ~
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~ The Brightest of Blessings ~